There were 7 figures total, but I only have four of them. I missing the three main characters from the third part of the game series. Somehow the online shop did not have them...but I got the others at a discount prize so I won't complain :p
Those photos are actually quite old. I took them when I got the figures...and I tried to make them more artsy, but I failed a bit :p
So I'll start with Tir Mc Dohl, the hero from the first Suikoden game!
Riou, the hero from Suikoden 2!
Nash from Suikogaiden. Those were two graphic novel types of tie-in games for Suikoden 2. They were never released in the us or europe. I think the figure comes with another set of arms so he can also hold a sword.
And Lazlo from the unloved Suikoden 4 (I enjoyed it!) He came with another set of arms/hands so he can hold his two swords. The paint job does look a bit messy on his vest, but that's just because of the photos. You have to consider these figures are only 10cm it looks much better in person.
Sorry for this strange post and the very old pictures ^^;
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