Friday, July 27, 2012

Flea market haul #20

On Wednesday I was lucky to find Kirby's Adventure for the NES. I also picked up Top Gun and Super Mario Bros 3 fromt he same person, even though I already own the later.

The cute My little Pony baby I got for free. :P The red Pony is a Magic Meadow Pony fakie. Normally I don't buy fakies, but this one looked interessting and was still in great shape. So I picked it up for 1€. Can't go wrong with that :P

Friday, July 20, 2012

Flea market haul #19

Yeah, another flea market haul =D

I tried to be strong, but I still bought a few things.

 The Neverending Story board game!!! Friends of my family owned this and we played it alot. The game as such is pretty basic, but the board and manual have nice illustrations. It's also written like a fantasy book. It's a blast to play when you are a kid and still have lots of imagination. The same guy also had the Chip & Dale NES game. First I only wanted to pick up the board game, because he asked quite much for the NES game, but then made me a deal and I couldn't resist :P
Then I stumpled upon a TMNT figure from the CG movie. Yay, I always wanted one of the newer figures and only 1€ Yay!
Then I found more TMNT figures! Panda guy and two of those than can transform into Turtles. Both are broken, but they still work well enough as normal figures and I finally have a Raphael =D
Leonardo looks so miserable. Haha!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Atari 2600, Fairchild Channel F and games!

Look how much new stuff I got! It's from a videogame collector who wants to reduce his collection.

Both of the systems are from the 70s. The Fairchild Channel F by Saba was the first console with interchangeable games as opossed to the ones with only built in games like the pong consoles.

Yay, I'm so glad to finally have a few nice Atari 2600 games :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Atari 2600 Jr.

I bought this boxed Atari 2600 last year cheap at a flea market and only recently checked out if it still works and it does. :D

The original Atari 2600 was released in the US in 1977 and one year later in Europe. This version I have here is inofficially named Atari 2600 Jr. It was released in 1985 as a slimer, much smaller and much cheaper (about 50$ / 100DM) version in an attempt to lure in buyers with the low prize. But still, it was the end of the systems life-span and the Nintendo Entertainment System was on the rise.
The box game comeplete with instructin booklet and guaranty leaflet.
 'RFI suppressed'
 Guaranty leaflet.

 The console as such is really small and light.
I guess I have no more guaranty because teh seal has been moved :P
The controller that came with it.
All set up. There is just one cable with an AC adapter which is long, which is great. I hate it when cables are to short. And of course a cable to connect it to the TV.
The controller is pretty bad und very unresponsive, but there is an easy solution.... Just plug in an Sega Mega Drive /Genesis controller. They fit as well and work perfectly :)

Now I just need to get some good games!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

MegaHouse - Miniature - Black Cat Chef

I love everything tiny, so I adore re-ment sets :D

This one is all about food and cats. We have soup, a yummy looking steak and beer!
It's original name is 黒ねこシェフのイタリアン ・ ジューシーステーキセット (something like Black Cat Chefs italian restaurant - juicy steak set)

Eversthing is tiny! The fork and knive are just a bit over 3cm.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My little Pony - G4 - Twinkleshine

Speaking of things I got recently.... Here is Twinkleshine I got got from the lovely Mausezwerg :D Surprise Pony in the awesome is that?! Especially since they don't sell G4 Ponies were I live.

Really cute :3 I love the little Koala bear and the fact that she likes movies :D

Pinky Street PK-001A and PK-011A

Just yesterday I got two new Pinky Street figures. I think they are really cute, plus they have a clamshell packaging so you can remove and display them without damaging the packaging. They are small enough that they don't take up that much of space and they seem to be 'out' or something and are quite cheap to get. Yay~

PK-001A is the one with the bunny and the other one on the left is PK-011A. Got them very cheap from :)

As a bonus a few pics from one of my other Pinky Street figures. Her name seems to be Hana (PK007).

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Slam Dunk - Hanamichi - Piggy bank (knock off)

I bought this years ago at a local flea market. I LOVE the Manga/Anime series Slam Dunk by Takehiko Inoue, so I HAD to have this even though it's just a cheap knock off thing.

It's the main character of the show Hanamichi Sakuragi :D
The paint job is really bad, but it still looks cute.
I don't use it as a coin bank, but he sits besides my TV hiding all the cables and outlets.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Puppy in my Pocket - Fashion

I finally got to check out the new Puppy in my Pocket mini figures by Giochi Preziosi. Got them at a discount store for 1€ each. I grabed seven of them and a few other stuff like those Super Mario Kart Klik Candy dispensers for 1,59€

A few of the dogs look really goofy but overall I really dig them :) There are 24 dogs to collect and I got some of the best ones I think, like the DJ dog, the one with the sewing machine and the one with the laptop. All of them are flocked and the clothes they wear are of a very soft plastic so that you can actually take them of (I think they look much more cute without them).
Today was really nice, not worrying about stuff and browsing through toy sections. I haven't felt that free in ages!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Final Fantasy Dissidia Trading Arts Figures Vol 2 - Firion

In contrast to the other Trading Art figures I posted before the ones for the Dissidia game look quite impressive. I picked up three of them at a Manga-shop who closed down and had everything at 50% off.

Let's start with Firion (or Frion or Frionel) from Final Fantasy II.

Final Fantasy II had a level system different from the other games. You didn't get experience points after every battle, but your skills leveled up based on how much you use them. So you got levels for every single weapon. In Dissidia they hinted at that by giving Firion tons of weapons the poor guy always has to carry with him :P
I love all the details and as a fan of Yoshitaka Amanos deisgns I'm quite pleased. If he had the sword a bit lower he'd have the same pose as shown on the game box art.
Back view with the floaty cape.
 Right side view showing his shield and bow.
And the left side showing his axe. He really looks great from all sides. He is just 5 inches tall which make the details even more impressive.
The Dissidia Trading Art figures Vol 1 were : Zidane, Cloud, Squall, Tidus and the Warrior of Light
Vol 2 include: Cecil, Terra/Tina, Firion, Sephiroth and Butz.

For it is great having such great Amano-style figures. There are tons of Clouds and Squalls and Sepihiroths , but there is a severe lack of pre-Final Fantasy VII character figures.

Thanks for looking :)

My Scene - Barbie - Westley/Madison

For some reason I really like the MyScene Barbie-line (2002- 2010 by Mattel). The faces are comic-style, but not so exagerated like some dolls where it is just too much. There are also some really nice detailed outfits for them, that one would want to wear in real-life :)

I still have only three of them and all of them are Westleys (afaik she is called Madison in the US, but was renamed Westley for European releases).

 Here they are :)

This one and the one in the dress I got at a flea market recently. She was missing a few plugs and her hair had been cut badly. I still picked her up because I like her face and the articulated arms. I gave her a proper short hair cut and now she looks really neat.
This Westley I bought at the same day than the short haired one, just one or two vendors earlier. Herhair was still perfect and she was dressed, so I didn't think twice about buying her. Her facial expression is so different than the other two dolls.

This one I bought years ago at a retail store, before I was collecting toys. Somehow I just really liked her and she was cheap :P She came big a little puppy figure and another brown dress. I don't know the the particular name of the set, just that it's from 2002.

I really need to pick up some of the other girls :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Flea market haul #18

Oops...I'm late with posting again.

Friday I did some good buys regarding Barbie at the flea market. But I really failed with my other purchases. One seller (not a private one) had a whole Sailor Moon collection and I took a risk and bought all. Sadly I'm not so happy... it was really not worth the price I paid :(  I just want to sell everything ....

 4 Barbie-like Sailor Moon dolls. Also a whole set of smaller dolls by Irvin toys. Three figures and a whole set of small figures that where sold in Germany  when Sailor Moon was 'in'.
 Princess Serenty from Irvin toys. The head sculpt is really strange and flat o.o I don't get it. The dress looks really nice and look at her collar bone. She'd look so pretty with another face (lol?)
 Left Sailor Mars Bandai doll and right Sailor Jupiter from a Germany toy company called Igel (means hedgehog :P)
 Two japanese Artbooks and 4 german Manga (first edition)
There was also a nice looking figure of Nakoruru, a character from the SNK Videogame Samurai Shodown.

From the same seller I picked up two Barbies. Totaly/Ultra Hair Whitney. Sadly she doesn't have her earings and rings anymore, but she still has her long hair. I also picked up a Skipper who had still really, pretty hair. I still have to find out what Skipper she is.
The first two things I picked up where these two 80s Barbies. I got them for 5€. I think that's not that bad :)
Left is Diva from Barbie and the Rockers ( 1986 ) and she wears the Barbie Peaches-N' Cream dress ( 1984 ). I don't know yet the name of the Barbie on the right. She wears the Dream Glow dress and is really beautifull :)

Other than that I got three (!) new Ponies yesterday. G1 Swirly Whirly I bought from Ponydingens, g4 Twinkleshine I got as a present (!!!!!!!) from Mausezwerg and my mom brought me a new glitter blind bag Pony :P
Also got two re-ment sets this week and ordered another one. And also ordered two Pinky Street figures. Yikes. When will I stop????