Sunday, July 1, 2012

Flea market haul #18

Oops...I'm late with posting again.

Friday I did some good buys regarding Barbie at the flea market. But I really failed with my other purchases. One seller (not a private one) had a whole Sailor Moon collection and I took a risk and bought all. Sadly I'm not so happy... it was really not worth the price I paid :(  I just want to sell everything ....

 4 Barbie-like Sailor Moon dolls. Also a whole set of smaller dolls by Irvin toys. Three figures and a whole set of small figures that where sold in Germany  when Sailor Moon was 'in'.
 Princess Serenty from Irvin toys. The head sculpt is really strange and flat o.o I don't get it. The dress looks really nice and look at her collar bone. She'd look so pretty with another face (lol?)
 Left Sailor Mars Bandai doll and right Sailor Jupiter from a Germany toy company called Igel (means hedgehog :P)
 Two japanese Artbooks and 4 german Manga (first edition)
There was also a nice looking figure of Nakoruru, a character from the SNK Videogame Samurai Shodown.

From the same seller I picked up two Barbies. Totaly/Ultra Hair Whitney. Sadly she doesn't have her earings and rings anymore, but she still has her long hair. I also picked up a Skipper who had still really, pretty hair. I still have to find out what Skipper she is.
The first two things I picked up where these two 80s Barbies. I got them for 5€. I think that's not that bad :)
Left is Diva from Barbie and the Rockers ( 1986 ) and she wears the Barbie Peaches-N' Cream dress ( 1984 ). I don't know yet the name of the Barbie on the right. She wears the Dream Glow dress and is really beautifull :)

Other than that I got three (!) new Ponies yesterday. G1 Swirly Whirly I bought from Ponydingens, g4 Twinkleshine I got as a present (!!!!!!!) from Mausezwerg and my mom brought me a new glitter blind bag Pony :P
Also got two re-ment sets this week and ordered another one. And also ordered two Pinky Street figures. Yikes. When will I stop????


  1. I would LOVE to purchase all the Sailor Moon stuff you have. Can you ship to Canada? I'll pay.

    Please get back to me!

  2. I will buy ALL of your Sailor Moon stuff! Please email me at

    I would like to buy it all!
